Monday, November 11, 2019

So then, conservatives, don't produce audio that's commercially viable. Simple! Problem solved.

Not sure if you heard, but Google is going to be cutting off content that they deem to be "not commercially viable". Yes, I'm a conservative, and no, I'm not worried one bit. Why would I be worried, I already don't produce anything commercially viable.

Oh, you want to say that what I produced wasn't valuable? My personal favorite is the book The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution, which according to the Archive page has been downloaded over ten thousand times since I released it. Not bad for something that's "not commercially viable". This book has a noted particular value for those who wish to engage in push-back against the race industry.

Here's another one, by Stuart Chase The Challenge of Waste, which according to the Archive page has been downloaded over thirty five thousand times. It was published early in 2017. Not bad eh?

The point I'm making to you is this - and this doubles up for content from the Founding era - there is a ton of content published prior to 1923 that needs an audio production which can be extremely useful in telling the story and educating your fellow patriot. Once I realized that the key for me was to elevate someone else's content, instead of my own - I can't tell you how liberating of an idea that is. In particular, let me leave you with this thought:

The Founding Fathers speak for me. So I speak for them. Here is one such example. Click on number 6 in the list of 20.

Honestly, I wish I had more personal time to create way more "commercially non-viable" content than I'm currently capable. The works of John Adams, early important history books written prior to the progressive era about the Founding and our Founders, such as by Jared Sparks. 3 to 5 well placed "not commercially viable" audiobooks could be used quite effectively against the false history promoted by the progressives, but it will take me years to get there.


Any volunteers? Message me publicly or private with a little bit of your personal interests historically speaking and I'll show you how and more importantly where to get started. When is the last time you think you influenced thirty five thousand people? Only serious takers, please.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Shouldn't all of the states be taken off of welfare?

There's an interesting headline out there today, which can serve as a good educational moment. Due to the ravages of the fires out in California, the White House is threatening to cut off federal funding.

Now first off, The notion of this phrase "federal funding" (the article also uses the phrase "state funding") is offensive because it's dishonest. It's welfare, that's what it is. I'm not interested in P.C. comfort terms. As I wrote in May of 2017, when the progressives were starting off building their nanny-state empire, they had a very specific list of welfare queens - 48 of them to be exact. When progressives are determined to achieve a goal, they are very crafty in a deceitful way of achieving their goals.

The progressive notion of putting the states on welfare first, before turning individuals into welfare queens was destined for success.

But why are we keeping around such a relic from a discredited ideology? I mean, I know why the progressives want to keep it, it's because they really don't like the states and want to subjugate them just like they want to subjugate us. That's why they put together court rulings such as Wickard v. Filburn. Count me out. Wickard also needs to be repealed.

Now in the short term, there is probably some merit to getting California to actually do something useful about these fires. Federal Government does in fact have California on food stamps, so why not cut off said food stamps? Ok, well if we only want to engage in extreme short term thinking is that workable. That's not what I'm talking about though. I'm talking about the underlying issue of this long-standing welfare scheme, and looking out over America as a whole over the last 100+ years, these schemes of progressivism are an absolute horrific failure.