Sunday, November 28, 2021

For progressives, society is government and government is society

I've written about this several times, and here is another instance. The Guardian asks: "Is society coming apart?"

Most of the article is throw away, but here we get something extremely important:

According to the Reagan-Thatcher worldview, there is no such thing as society. There are only families, who look after one another, and individuals, who participate in markets. The idea that government is the solution to people’s problems rests on a mistaken belief in the existence of society.

The amount of honesty in these few lines is rather quite remarkable. First off they are completely incorrect about the "Reagan-Thatcher worldview", but that's just window dressing and fluff, likely designed to elicit an outraged response so that the really important thing doesn't get focus. I will focus this properly.

"The idea that government is the solution to people’s problems rests on a mistaken belief in the existence of society." See. Government is society. Society is government. They are one in the same. If you are percieved to be attacking government in any way, then you are against society or simply don't believe that society exists. I'll show you how this works. When Reagan said the words "government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem", that is not what progressives heard. Here is what they heard and what Reagan said:

Society is not the solution to the problem, society is the problem

You think I'm kidding. I'm not. This is what the progressives think Reagan actually said.

Evil never understands the light. "Society" is everything outside of government and without government. Government can only pervert and coerce society as we in our families and we as individuals seek to determine our own individual destinies. But a progressive is incapable of understanding this. I might as well have said something in dolphin clicks. It doesn't compute for them.

1 comment:

  1. Orwell also had sth to say about how Newspeak was making folks incapable of understanding concepts.
