Monday, December 23, 2019

I'm going to the March for Life!!!

Several months ago, I blocked vacation time at work for January, and over the course of the last few months have been planning the trip. Plane fare, a few sights to see, but most importantly, my trip by foot down Pennsylvania Avenue. Nothing is more important than this.

Or at least, when I marched in 2010 it was Pennsylvania Avenue where the Tea Partiers went. I can honestly say, those protests were some of the most fun I've ever had in my life, and I've been all around the country and seen and done many things. It's been too long, and it is time for me once again to proudly put on my activist hat and wave my sign.

Protesting is a Constitutional responsibility, listed right there in the First Amendment for all of us to read.

I will not shirk my responsibility.

Hopefully, I'll see you at the march on January 24th!

Friday, December 20, 2019

What is your cost to entry to learning the Founding Fathers?

I'd like to have a frank discussion about the cost of entry for you or others who wish to discover more about the Founding Fathers, and even moreso the barrier that presents toward educating others. As we approach the completion of the audiobook version of James Madison's Notes, one of the goals for this project is cost reduction. I would like for you to consider three aspects:
  1. Time cost
  2. Money cost
  3. Exclusivity or efficiency

I assume people will automatically think in terms of money, and it is true that the scope of what I'm looking for could have been better asked in terms of "commitment" instead of "cost", but I prefer the original wording because time spent is a cost paid.

I would also like to explain what I mean about exclusivity as well. Do you like to sit down for two hours at night and read a book? Many people do. But that's a nearly 100% exclusive task. A warehouse worker isn't going to read a book at the same time they unload a truck during early morning receiving hours, for example. An audiobook, however, overcomes the cost of exclusivity and introduces the advantage of multitasking.

Now, I would just like to know, what's your money cost? Only for the Founding Fathers or immediately relevant to the Founding era. Have you purchased this book, that book, a three pack of something else. Was it $50? $345? Some other number? Thousands?

Now, I would like to know what is your time cost? How many minutes or hours or days or weeks did it take you to read those books? Be it the Federalist Papers, the Law of Nations, Novanglus, Jefferson's Notes, John Locke, Letters from a Farmer, or any number of other works? Because I'm quite sure that a handful sought out the text online and downloaded. But did you print? That wasn't free either.

Since most of the work of the Founders only exists as paper, you were stuck in exclusivity, weren't you?

This is a discussion of cost, and of course you know I'm looking forward toward cost reduction. If we want to defend our Constitution and advance the Founding principles, and help others around us do the same, then cost reduction in areas such as this need to be discussed and the bar must be lowered. Because if you're going to buy one copy of a book for yourself, and one for your friend? Now you have doubled your cost, and doubled the (reading)time investment. Do you think your less-committed friend will be just as inclined as you to do the same? Don't bet on it. They wouldn't even buy one copy, why would they purchase several copies?

But if the cost can be lowered, is it more likely you can get even more people involved? I think so!