Sunday, September 12, 2021

New audiobook: Anti-slavery in America (1619-1808)

It's been a very exciting week around here. The big ticket item is that I launched a new audiobook titled Anti-slavery in America from the Introduction of African Slaves to the Prohibition of the Slave Trade (1619-1808), and this time I started the work as a group project.

I see it fairly often where people express the sentiment "what more can I do?" and if that is you I would like to work with you on this. Look at the title of the book, you know exactly why I chose it.

Normally I don't mention audiobooks of mine until I have completed them but over the years I have learned more about my capabilities as a producer of free open source conservative audiobooks, I can work on more than one book at a time when I have additional works which are group collaborative efforts. Here is the book:

Anti-slavery in America from the Introduction of African Slaves to the Prohibition of the Slave Trade (1619-1808), by Mary Stoughton Locke

The timing is really good, I just completed my last solo recording(Still editing down the last chapter for final release though) and I know that this is the kind of thing that can have a positive impact on our culture.

In an age where we are surrounded by deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Despite the fact that this audiobook will not carry any price tag it's value will be quite obvious. Again, just looking at the title tells the story. If you would like to work with me on this, let me know.

My favorite thing about working with public domain content is that Big Tech cannot censor me. Tens of thousands of people will be reached with my message.