Saturday, January 16, 2021

Who owns America's history? Well, for now the progressives do.

There's a rather uninteresting article over at National Geographic that puffs up rioters and sculptors. The real issue though is a little bit deeper than that.

American history is in fact naturally conservative. It's anti-statist, pro-individual, and and based on Judeo-Christian principles. Why so few conservatives play in this arena is beyond me given the natural advantages, but it is what it is.

The fact is, conservatives gave history to the progresives. Ever since Charles Beard started propagandizing the Founders with his 1913 "Economic Interpretation" (reinterpretation) of the Founders, the Progressives have set out on a century's-long journey to first misunderstand, then erase, then replace the Founders as something else entirely from what they actually were.

And they did it 100% unopposed. Nobody wanted to oppose them. That is why in an oversimplified but accurate way, progressives have come to own history and it happened simply by being the only team who showed up to play ball.

It's amazing what you can do when you don't have any opposition.

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