Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Federation of the World, an early puff piece on globalism

Sometimes, the best way to highlight an ugly fact is simply to let them speak about the things they love most. There were not many microphones in 1910, but that's ok we can make up the difference.

In 1910, Journalist Hamilton Holt wrote traces the history of getting to a place where international government is a mainstream idea. Some guys hundreds of years ago had some nebulous thoughts about it, among others mentioned are Kant, and also Hugo and Burritt, but Holt really spends most of the meat of his article discussing the much-less-theoretical. First, the Hague, and second, President Theodore Roosevelt's call for globalism.

A lot of people want to avoid this. It's really not avoidable. Globalism is as old as progressivism itself and goes right back to the two original progressive globalist presidents in the early 20th century, Woody and Teddy. The fact just is, and facts are stubborn things.

Hamilton Holt is pretty clearly in love with the speech Roosevelt gave in 1906 when he accepted his Nobel Prize lauding world government, and as a reminder you can read/listen to that speech here, along with listen to or read Holt's article here.

We cannot hide from the history of those who wanted to foist global government against us, we should not hide from it.

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